Who Are These People In My House?
Who are these People in my House?
By: Emma~Grace
The weather is freezing cold, your mom is driving you crazy, and your dad won't let you go to the big party on Saturday night. What could be worse? When you head out of your room for dinner, your parents yell at you because your dog peed on the floor. It wasn't even your fault. Soon, the wall begins to build as your relationship with your parents grows cold.
Jesus Had Parents Too
When Jesus came to earth, he took all the responsibilities of being a human. He full on understands how aggravating parents can be. He didn't sass back, or try to get out of doing chores. Instead, he kindly explained in the nicest way, what the problem was, and why he was a little upset. Even if his parents wouldn't except his explanation, he went with what they told him to do. If he got blamed for the dog peeing on the floor, even though it was James' fault, Jesus said that he would clean it up, and talked to James' of how to take care of the dog.If Jesus wanted to go to the big party on Saturday night, he would ask his parents ahead of time, not two minutes before it started. He would explain why he would like to go, and why it's so important. If Mary and Joseph didn't want him to go, he would kindly ask them to state why. Maybe, it was because there weren't going to be people supervising, and they know what happens when teenagers are alone. Jesus didn't sass back, he agreed and told his friends the advice he had been given.
Keep In Mind
- Your parents have been teenagers before.- They care about your safety and your well-being
- No doesn't always mean NO. It can mean, wait until your older, or after you finish your chores
- NO means no. When your parents say "NO", that means business. They mean it, and don't plan on changing their mind.
- They know what's best for you
- Parents make mistakes sometimes, but they are still in charge
- God gave YOU THESE people, in a certain place and time, for an exact purpose and reason. He knows what he's doing, and does not make mistakes.
How to Maintain a better Relationship
1. Appreciate- Colossians 2:6-7. God gave you parents for a reason. Just think how messed up our world would be if we ran around from age 1 to the end of our lives. We wouldn't know how to behave, or anything. Your parents teach and guide you, so that when you grow up, you will be ready for life. You need to thank them, and appreciate what they are teaching you.
2. Communicate- Ephesians 4:26. If your nervous, tell your parents. If you are frustrated, tell your parents. They want to help. If your angry at them for not letting you go over to a friends house, explain why you are disappointing. Talk it out. If you let the sun go down on your anger, it will get to you.
3. Obey- Ephesians 6:1-2. Your parents know how a lot of situations may end up. They want to keep you away from anything that may hurt you, or your reputation. Sometimes, all they want is you to obey them. If they are acting crabby, do something nice for them. Allow them to relax. Don't make a mess, and do your chores. They love when you cheerfully obey them, without being asked. It's one of the best ways to get them on a good side.
Hints of how to bring up tough stuff
- Instead of trying to talk to your mom when she is busy rushing out the door, running late, try talking to her when you are on a walk, and both relaxed.
- Instead of talking to your mom and dad, when they are alone and talking about bills, wait until you guys are sitting around the Dinner table.
- Instead of talking late at night, when you both are getting ready for bed, try talking during game night, or when you spend family time.
- Instead of asking to spend the night, and going on about who's going to be there and how you know the wedding is at the same time. Try explaining in a 2-4 sentence wording about simply why you want to go, and that you understand that the wedding is at the same time, and why you think spending the night is more important then going to the wedding.
- Keep things simple, clear and straight-forward. Don't rush it, and don't go on and on about nothing.
- Tell the truth. Don't lie that there will be chaperones, if there isn't.
- Don't exaggerate. Keep things the way they are, so that you don't have your parents thinking the wrong things.
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