How to Study and Read the Bible

How to Read and Study the Bible
How to Read and Study the Bible
By: Emma~Grace 
You might feel like God is somewhere else in the world. You might try as hard as you can to connect with him. You read the Bible, go to church and pray, but he's distant.

Get Ready 

When I read God's word, I make sure I am alone and in solitude. I turn on some low, soft music and lay back in my bed. Then, I just pray that God would help me in whatever situation I am dealing with. I like to start off mellow, I thank him, praise him, and confront him. I like to be honest with God. If he did something I didn't like, I tell him. Then, I acknowledge him and his power. He knows what he's doing, his will is to be done, not yours. I praise him for the things he has given me. I do this quietly, as to prepare my heart and soul. I confess my sins and ask for forgiveness. Then, I prepare to be moved by the Spirit

Get Set

Pick up your Bible and start reading. I love to start in the Psalms and read a chapter a day. Sometimes, I make a tune to the chapter, and turn it into a song. David did write them as songs. Then, I either turn to a random place in the Bible and read it, or I follow a reading plan (if you don't have a reading plan, scroll down, and at the end I have a reading plan that I love). I read the words out loud, and talk to God through it all. Kind of like I am giving him a commentary on his book. I ask him questions, and just think out loud. It clears my head, and keeps me focused.  


Then, I pull out my journal and start to write. I follow a simple, and easy method of writing out my thoughts, called FAPS, (scroll down after the reading plan to see the guide).  Finally, I write out my prayers for others. I don't mention myself in anything. Mainly, because I love having an opportunity to help others. I also like to live out my faith in what I learned in the passages. Lastly, I thank God again, because isn't he so good?

Why isn't this working?

Maybe you have tried doing this before, and nothing seems to be working. You and God feel millions of miles away. First and foremost, that is so not true. Second, you have to be willing to let him be the King of your heart. You can't just open the door ajar, you have to want to have the door wide open. God will only come in if you let him, he will only let you in, if you ask him. Imagine walking over to someone you wanted to get to know better, you have only talked once or twice, and just barging into their house through the front door. No, that probably feels awkward (if it doesn't, you need to Pray). It's like that, God doesn't want to barge into your life if you don't want him to. You need to ask him, admit that you really want him to stay and have a cup of tea. Or, maybe even longer than an hour. Make sure to spend time with him everyday, between 30-60 minutes, I like doing a quick 15 min devo (warm-up), and 40 minutes of my quality time, I could be spending somewhere else (work-out) in the evening. And then praying, at night (cool-down session). 
I know that feels like a lot, but start off small, then gradually build up, remember, monks spend DAYS, sitting in God's presence, reading.  
Good Luck!!
-Email me anytime,
In my next blog I will be answering questions you may have, hit me up with them!

Reading Plan on God's Comfort*

Day One:         Ruth 1:1-22, 4:13-17
Day Two:         Psalm 9
Day Three:      2 Kings 17:8-24
Day Four:        Psalm 23
Day Five:        Psalm 22
Day Six:          Psalm 34
Day Seven:     Psalm 30
Day Eight:       Psalm 119:49-76
Day Nine:        Psalm 55:16-22
Day Ten:          Ecclesiastes 3:1-4
Day Eleven:     Proverbs 3:1-20
Day Twelve:     Isaiah 25:1-9 
Day Thirteen:   Isaiah 26:1-15
Day Fourteen:  Isaiah 40
Day Fifteen:     1 Corinthians 15:42-58
Day Sixteen:     Isaiah 65:17-25
Day Seventeen: Isaiah 51:1-16
Day Eighteen:    Isaiah 66:12-14
Day Nineteen:   Jeremiah 31:1-14
Day Twenty:      Lamentations 3:21-33
Day Twenty-One:    Zephaniah 3:14-20
Day Twenty-Two:     Matthew 5:1-16
Day Twenty-Three:  Matthew 28:1-20
Day Twenty-Four:    John 6:22-40
Day Twenty-Five:    2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Day Twenty-Six:      Philippians 2:1-11
Day Twenty-Seven: John 10
Day Twenty-Eight:   John 14
Day Twenty-Nine:    John 16:16-33
Day Thirty:               Revelation 21
Day Thirty-One:       Revelation 22
*From Brio Magazine

F: Feel- How do you feel about this Passage?
A: Apply- How can you apply this to your daily life?
P: Pray- Pray about what ever may be troubling you
S: Share- How can you share this Concept with others?
*Another thing that I LOVE to do, is keep a gratitude Journal.


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