When Everything Isn't Enough by: Emma~Grace
Have you ever had that scratchy dry throat? The one that makes if feel like you swallowed a bucket of sand and ten dry biscuits?
Have you looked everywhere for some cool and refreshing water, but couldn't find any?
The Issue
Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Like there is this empty hole that keeps dragging you down? Maybe you have tried filling that hole with anything you can get your hands on, or maybe you already gave up, thinking that nothing could ever fill that gap. There is only ONE thing that can completely fill the hole. When there's something going on in your life that you don't like, what do you do? Do you look to friends, parents, social media, games, apps, food, drugs, dates, schoolwork, self-harm, activities, sports, sleep, books, journals, music, magazines, people, or clothes to take away the pain. Or do you look to God for hope and help?
As teens, we try and find something that will keep us satisfied. All we want is something to always be there for us. Either if it's the newest phone or the coolest friend, we fill ourselves up with it. Soon enough though, we run out. Our phone cracked and doesn't work or your "friend" left you and went to hang out with someone else. Then, we turn to something else to hold us up for a while. Soon, that thing runs out, and you find something new, then that runs out, you turn to something different... You get the idea. The point is, Earthly things run out.
The Missing Piece
When you have that hole in your heart, turn to him, allow him to dwell in the tough spot. Sometimes, we struggle with this, we only save Jesus a portion of our heart, maybe that one dusty corner, and isolate him from the rest of the areas. We grant ourselves portions of our heart and cram Jesus in like a piece of junk, that you might use when you really need it. You may pull him out from the bottom of dirty clothes pile when you need him, but otherwise, he stays hidden.
In Isaiah 58:11, it says "The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."
Jeremiah 31:25 says, "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
The LORD will satisfy you, he will quench your desert dry throat. He will water you with a well that will never run dry. Jesus is the Missing Piece in your life
The Story
Go read John 4:5-26
The Samaritan Woman
The Samaritan woman had a problem, she had a hole in her heart. Instead of turning to God to fill that hole, she turned to earthly things. She went to relationships with men to satisfy her. She would feel content with one man, and then he would run out, so she went to the next man and so forth. By the time she had not been satisfied by her 5th husband, she gave up. No husband was going to ever fully satisfy that empty hole. So, she found a man, and didn't marry him. She thought that if they weren't married, and lived together, that would fill the hole.
One day, Jesus is walking, and he is tired, so he sits down at Jacob's well and waits for the woman. When she comes along, he asks her for a drink of water. Now, the woman was surprised, she was a Samaritan, and Jesus was a Jew, and those two people groups did not get along. Yet, Jesus was asking her for a drink.
Jesus gets her hooked, by talking about water that will never run dry. He brings up the topic of how many husbands she has had, and how the man she is with right now, isn't her husband. She's amazed, and soon, Jesus fills the empty hole, right up to the brim. And guess what, the woman is so amazed, that she runs and tells all her friends to come be filled with Jesus.
The Solution
All you have to do, is let Jesus fill that hole. He is the only thing that fits, and completely fills it. He makes sure that your well never runs dry. Just like the woman at the well, Jesus knows our history, and what we have tried to make the last piece in our lives, and he wants us to make him the number one thing that you turn to.
Important Reminders
- Earthly things run out
- Jesus is the Missing Piece in Your life
Satisfying Verses
- Isaiah 58:11
- Jeremiah 31:25
- Psalm 182:15
- Psalm 125:16
Hey Emma, really this is Debbie, but as you know, I'm not very tech savvy and so all I can do is comment as Patrick :) It was great to read this, Emma!! Very well written, and full of truth of who Jesus as the only one who can every really satisfy our deepest longings, whatever they may be.
ReplyDeleteHi Emma, This is Anna Kate. I really like reading your blogs and learning about Jesus. This was a great example for me and how I should take it in when my parents tell me “No”, This was also very well written (typed), keep up the great work, Thank!